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Morning Time for Mama


Hey, mama. How are you? Are you taking care of yourself? As a mom of three, it’s super easy to find myself in self-care ruts. I find myself going too many days between washing my hair; just throwing it up in a top knot (which is totally cool, I just don’t want that to be my only hair style!) I get in the habit of rushing to get myself dressed in whatever...

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The holiday season is upon us and with that comes gift giving.  It’s so easy to get stumped on what to buy the kiddos in your life when the trends are changing so often!  So, I wanted to share with you the toys and play items we own personally that have withstood the test of time, trends aside.  These are the toys our kids play with continually, day in and day out...

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We only live 0.5 miles away from Alex’s school.  Before he started Kindergarten, I had grand ideas of walking to school with him while pushing the littler two in the stroller, dogs in tow.  Ah, what a glorious morning walk that would be! We walked to school a few times when it was warm, but not as often as I thought we would.  The dogs got tangled up very easily, C didn’t...

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We started our cloth diaper journey when Alex was around 5 months old. A friend introduced me to the idea and was so kind as to send us a big box of her own diapers to try out so we could ultimately decide A) if it was for us and B) what brand we liked the best.  It was really exciting to think of all the money we could save and the...

On-the-go Bags for Kids (using Target sheet bags!)


I have this problem of wanting to keep anything that may be useful down the line, even if I’m not quite sure how it could be used, I can’t bear to throw it out!  Like the bags that sheets come in at Target!  I mean, I obviously love the pattern of the fabric (because I picked out sheets in the same pattern) and it’s a sweet little bag!  Who can’t use another bag??...

Caring for Yourself as a Mom


I think every mom has been there.  You know, wondering when the last time you showered was.  Did you wash your hair?  Pick up a shirt and sniff.  Clean enough to get through the day.  You think, “I really should paint my nails” or “I wish I could take a bath” or “I need to start working out”.  But, by the end of the day, you are so wiped out from caring...

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