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Another (& Final) Kitchen Light Update!


Y’all.  We replaced out kitchen lights after 5 years of living with a 90s box light and a larger than normal dome light (that wasn’t even centered over our table.  I know).  It wasn’t pretty, but in all honesty, we just learned to ignore them. We tackled this project over the winter with the help of my ever-so-handy dad!  We added two can lights, one over each, the sink and stove, a...

You Don’t Need all of Those Toys – Playroom Clearout


So, the other day I sort of hinted that my kids don’t need much to have fun playing when I told you about our Pinterest tape city.  So, today I’m going to dive a little deeper on what else we’ve done to minimize the amount of toys we have around. Sometimes, I feel like “The Mean Mom”.  You know the one.  The one with all the rules and restrictions.  The one who...

Shabby Chic Girl’s Nursery Inspiration


Oh man.  I am having WAY too much fun planning and decorating a girl’s nursery!  I never thought in a million years I’d be one to go for pink and flowers, but here I am! A few of the projects on this board have already been completed and I’m loving it so far! I bought these curtains from Walmart for only $20 for the pair!  I’m sure at some point, I will...

A Simply Organized Entry


This entryway has been one of our biggest problem areas, as I’m sure it is for a lot of people.  There isn’t a ton of space and there is an awkward corner area.  We used to keep a coat rack in the corner, but it just was getting so cluttered with stuff!  So, when we put in our new floors, we moved it upstairs and it never got moved back. I’ve been...

Easiest Ever Kitchen Light Update


Since we updated our kitchen cabinets (2 years ago???  Where did that time go??) we’ve been pondering what exactly to do with the lighting situation in there.  We have a totally 90s fluorescent box light that really keeps our kitchen bright, so we needed a solution that still made our kitchen super well lit.  We toyed with the idea of putting in can lights with some sort of pendants over the island...

Fall Home Tour: Part 2


So, if you follow me on Instragram (which you totally should!) you might have seen that I’m already starting to decorate for Christmas.  What can I say, I love it!!!  So does Alex and I can’t say no to his sweet little face about “building our Christmas tree”. 🙂  Plus, I had to show you all my newest holiday signs in the shop!  ((merry & BRIGHT :: peace & joy)) But, my...

Fall Home Tour: Part 1


It’s officially fall!  It may still be warm here in Ohio, but we are starting to soak up fall and all it’s wonders! I hadn’t been feeling motivated to decorate the house for fall for some reason.  Probably had something to do with the kiddos with the ear infection and the Croup and no sleep and me hanging on by a thread trying to keep our house somewhat presentable.  But I can’t be...

Living Room Addition: Coffee Filter Wreath!


Lately, I’ve been wanting to style my home and finish up the little projects that I’ve been meaning to get around to.  I tend to get discouraged and overwhelmed whenever I sit down to look for ideas.  Either things look too complicated or are way too expensive.  Well, I’m kind of tired of waiting to do things around here because they are too expensive!  I want my home to really feel like...

It’s Officially a Studio!


Be prepared to fall in love.  Or is it just me whose heart skips a beat at the sight of organized craft supplies??  Because seriously, this space is making me so giddy!  I think I’ve stepped it up from craft room to official Place in Progress Studio.  What do you think?? If you follow me on Instagram (which you totally should!), you would have seen that I finally painted these shelves that...

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