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Frugal Friday: Laundry Edition


Happy Friday friends!!  I don’t want to say anything, but other than a couple of runny noses, we are all healthy around here and getting back to normal.  But, having been sick for a bit means I have piles of laundry to catch up on.  I’m sure you know what I mean when I say that laundry is something that just never ends.  And it is definitely my least favorite chore.  I’m...

Frugal Friday: Cloth Diaper Edition


It’s Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday….Okay. No.  Now I see why Alex told me “Mommy, don’t sing” yesterday. #lame I hope you all had a wonderful week!  I’ve been busy, busy, busy getting ready for this weekend that is going to be crazy with a capital “C”.  Christian is getting baptized on Sunday, so we will have 10 adults (two of which are pregnant — NOT ME!), 3 toddlers, 1...

Kitchen Table and Chairs Makeover!


If you saw my instagram posts about my Christmas felt wreath or chocolate chip granola, you may have noticed that my kitchen table is white now!!! But it wasn’t always that way… Welcome to Gunksville, USA.  Population: my kitchen table. You know how sometimes you think you clean really well, until you realize maybe you don’t? This table is pretty well loved.  It used to be John’s kitchen table growing up, I’m...

DIY Button Art & My Laundry Room


I’ve been wanting to update the laundry room for quite some time now. I spend a lot of time in there doing something I don’t really love (or like all that much) so I want it to at least be pretty and inviting while I’m washing all the clothes. Last week, I read (in 2 days, so good!) The Nesting Place. It really struck a cord with me because I’m one of those...

IKEA Lack Train Table Hack


Dear Thomas the Tank Engine, You and your toy train tracks are very confusing, overwhelming, expensive, and somehow they are always scattered around my house. You’re very lucky my son is obsessed with you. But, seriously though, these train tracks.  Some days they have me wishing I would’ve just gone with the Ikea Figure 8 set.  Alex loves him some Thomas & Friends though, so here we are. I have been wanting...


I wanted so badly to keep this adorable little table for myself.  But, I told myself when I bought it that I would sell it after I fixed it up.  Plus, for the life of me, I couldn’t find anywhere to put it in my house.  Bummer. I snatched this guy up on our local Facebook yard sale site.  Three. Bucks. It’s a dangerous place for me to be browsing.  People get...


Overkill?  I think not. I’m pretty sure it was one of my first pins on Pinterest, like, 2 years ago.  An old ladder to hold blankets?!?  Genius!  It wasn’t a project in the forefront of my mind, but it was always lurking.  I had my dad on the lookout for ladders left roadside, I would casually browse for them at yard sales and thrift stores, but I never found the right one...


Close your eyes.  Picture me, running up the steps of the Philly Museum of Art, while “Eye of the Tiger” blares in the background.  Did you do it?  Because I am seriously feeling like we have conquered this kitchen. Let me just fill you on on what we started with. (This is the photo from the listing when we were buying the house) We had a black stove in a sea of...


As I neared the tail end of my pregnancy with Christian, painting felt like the best option for DIYing.  It was therapeutic AND gave me instant results.   Which was great because I was super impatient and exhausted/uncomfortable. Although, I wouldn’t say that this particular project was therapeutic.  It was actually a huge pain in the behind. I had this dresser that was mine as a child/teenager.  My parents let me take...

Slip Resistant Dresser (???)


Um, what now?  Before you start thinking, “Okay, Sam.  You need to have that baby because you have OFFICIALLY lost.your.mind”, hear me out! My parents bought us this dresser for Alex’s room from our little antique shop uptown (it was actually a gift for Christian, but brothers share right??). I wish I could have captured the amount of damage the previous owner(s?) caused this poor thing.  It was definitely in a child’s...

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