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Hack it : Thieves Laundry Soap


When people ask me what products I think they should kick to the curb first, laundry detergent is always at the top of my list. Just think about it. We cover our whole bodies (and our babies clothes) in the clothes we wash. The detergent doesn’t just go away, it stays a part of the clothing (and sheets, towels, etc.) Even the detergents that are supposed to be the gentlest contain some...

On-the-go Bags for Kids (using Target sheet bags!)


I have this problem of wanting to keep anything that may be useful down the line, even if I’m not quite sure how it could be used, I can’t bear to throw it out!  Like the bags that sheets come in at Target!  I mean, I obviously love the pattern of the fabric (because I picked out sheets in the same pattern) and it’s a sweet little bag!  Who can’t use another bag??...

Easiest Ever Kitchen Light Update


Since we updated our kitchen cabinets (2 years ago???  Where did that time go??) we’ve been pondering what exactly to do with the lighting situation in there.  We have a totally 90s fluorescent box light that really keeps our kitchen bright, so we needed a solution that still made our kitchen super well lit.  We toyed with the idea of putting in can lights with some sort of pendants over the island...

Fall Home Tour: Part 1


It’s officially fall!  It may still be warm here in Ohio, but we are starting to soak up fall and all it’s wonders! I hadn’t been feeling motivated to decorate the house for fall for some reason.  Probably had something to do with the kiddos with the ear infection and the Croup and no sleep and me hanging on by a thread trying to keep our house somewhat presentable.  But I can’t be...

Living Room Addition: Coffee Filter Wreath!


Lately, I’ve been wanting to style my home and finish up the little projects that I’ve been meaning to get around to.  I tend to get discouraged and overwhelmed whenever I sit down to look for ideas.  Either things look too complicated or are way too expensive.  Well, I’m kind of tired of waiting to do things around here because they are too expensive!  I want my home to really feel like...

Mis-matched Door Headboard


You’ve seen them.  Door headboards.  They are all the rage on Pinterest.  I’ve been pinning them forever, but didn’t have an old door or a car big enough to go pick one up from Habitat and bring it home.  I was stuck not able to fulfill my dreams of a rustic, chippy, old door for a headboard. Enter: my in-laws.  They replaced a few doors on their cottage to make it more...

Ombre Painted Mason Jars for Craft Room Organization


Happy Friday!  Quick shout out to my husband! Happy 5 year anniversary! Woot! Photo Cred: The AMAZING Morningwild Photography (formerly Lime Green Photography) So, since we put in the floors and took everything out of the craft room/office area, I’ve come to like the room being more empty.  You wouldn’t believe how much I had crammed in that room!  I didn’t even know until I had to move it all to the...

Baby Velcro Shoe Hack


Hello, friends! Spring is finally on it’s way!  It’s starting to warm up a bit here in Ohio and we’ve been spending more and more time outside, which means that I actually need to put shoes on Christian.  He’s been wearing his Bison Booties all Winter which are completely adorable and comfy for inside, but outside he needs something a little bit sturdier (and something I’m not too attached to because I’m...

Frugal Friday: Ugly Frame with DIY Watercolor Arrows


Happy Monday friends!  Hold on to your hats because I know it’s not really Friday for Frugal Friday.  But don’t we all need a little Friday in our Monday?? I’ve been cranking out a few projects around here, finally!  You know what that means???  Christian is finally sleeping through the night!  Y’all!  Sleeping.  Through the night. It took about a week of sleep training, but he caught on pretty quickly that I...

Frugal Friday: Jute Mirror Knockoff Edition


Happy Friday!  I’m back with another Frugal Friday for you all this week! My entryway is something that I have big dreams for.  I talked a little about the plans for it here and now I am finally starting to spruce it up a bit 🙂  For the record, it’s unorganized again because I haven’t figured out a good system for our family yet.  I’m getting there, promise! Anyways.  I had a...

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