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Alex at 21 Months

Alex at 21 months

Excuse me while I wipe my tears.  My little guy is going to be two in less than 3 months.  He’s going to be a big brother in less than 2.  He’s sleeping in a toddler bed all night long, all by himself.  He feeds himself all of his meals and knows some letters of the alphabet by sight.  He recently started stringing two words together and  he is actually starting to make sense to me when he talks.  We can basically have a conversation.  He holds my hand and walks into a store now.  He gives his baby brother hugs, kisses and high fives via my big ole belly (which just melts me).  His favorite books are One Fish, Two Fish, the original Curious George and Cat in the Hat.

He also knows how to take off his coat, scarf, hat, gloves and boots right before we walk out the door.  He’s already really good at getting what he wants (or trying to at least) and knows exactly which buttons to press to get a rise out of me.  It’s pretty much the end of the world if he can’t have my phone to watch Thomas (or Boppy, as he calls him), George (the curious fellow), or Why (Super Why anyone?).

Luckily he’s still the sweetest little boy and loves to cuddle his mama (& daddy).  Thank goodness we aren’t past that point yet.  When does that happen anyway?  Around 18? 19?  Yikes.  By the way this was a record nap.  I think somewhere in the ballpark of 3 1/2 hours, which, if you know Alex at all, is some sort of miracle.


dad cuddles

I realized that I was overdue for a photo shoot for the little man (I’ve been doing them every 3 months since he turned the big o-n-e).  Plus I just love the outfit he was wearing.  Usually I’m not a fan of character tees, but my sister did great with this one (Thanks Aunt Sarah!).  It’s stinking adorable and it’s pretty much the only outfit Alex doesn’t fight me on when getting dressed.  Double win!

Some of these are a little out of focus because, lets face it, I’m an amateur photographer who still uses auto.  But he’s still a cutie just the same.

21 months 9

21 months 4

21 months 8

21 months 7

Luna was feeling left out…

Luna 2

And because you guys know I like to keep it real.  He asked me to put his tracks on the floor and this was the result.  Also, this is what skipping a nap when you’re sick looks like.  Bless his heart.

21 months 10

Thanks for checking in!  We have some projects coming up that we hope to get done before little Christian arrives (fingers crossed!)  I’m thinking a painted kitchen table, a semi-finished nursery, a finished big boy room and some painted cabinets???  It’s a hefty list to accomplish before March, but we’re on our way!

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