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Front Door Update!

Can we all pause for a moment and think about the fact that the 90s started over 20 years ago?  As Alex would currently say “Whooooa”.  I thought about it every time I looked at my front door.  The color just screamed 90s to me.  Now, I wasn’t actually certain that the door was painted when the house was built, but that was where my mind would go.

Front door 1

So, for the past 17 months, I have been dreaming of a new front door color.  My first thought was to paint it some sort of blue.  John nixed that pretty quickly and said we should paint it red.  Shocking.  I wouldn’t be against a red front door normally, but we have this weird orangish brick going on out front that would just clash horribly with any shade of red.  Yikes.  So I nixed that right back!  Black was always in the back of my head but I wasn’t totally sold on it.  In a last ditch effort, I tried to get John on board for a bright blue.  No dice, so black it was going to be!

We went to Home Depot and picked out our color (Behr- Carbon) and decided on the Premium Plus Ultra which is their paint and primer in one.  Alex picked everything out, we can’t take any credit there.


Our original plan was to take the door off the hinge, but the previous owners basically painted the door onto the hinges, so that plan went out the door window.  So, we just left it up there and I got to painting!  I was pretty nervous because I have never painted a door before.  I read about 5 different “how-tos” and when each of them told me to do something different, I figured I would just wing it.  Good technique, no?  

With the first coat, I used the brush-on-the-panels, roll-the-rest-then-brush-over-the-roller-marks method.  That’s the technical name if you want to Google it.  When I finished, I was less than thrilled with the results.  All the criss-crosses where totally bugging me.

Front door 2

So with the second coat, I just rolled everything.  Much, much better!  If you aren’t great with a paintbrush (hello!) this is a super easy way to paint your door.  There are a few spots that don’t look great around the hardware because we couldn’t remember how to remove it, but otherwise it turned out great!  Anything but that green!

Next, we decided to add some door jewelry (a.k.a. a kick plate).  We picked this one up from Home Depot in brushed nickel (to match our hardware) for about $25.  I love how it adds just a little bit of something extra to the door.

Here she is!

Front door 4

Front door 3

Love my door.  Can’t wait to get these faded green shutters on board as well.

Front door 5

It was actually a super easy project to tackle and it made such a huge difference for our curb appeal.  I think it just brings it into the current decade.  Once we have the shutters all painted, I will be so in love with the front of my house!

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