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Keepin’ It Clean (Or Trying To)

I’m starting to get the spring cleaning bug. The sun is shining and Pinterest is covered with brightly colored cleaning supplies, tips and checklists. I’m itching to get my windows open to air out my house (fingers crossed it’s done snowing in Ohio) and get rid of all the germies still lingering.  This was my favorite pin…it sucked me right in with those neon supplies!  Turns out it was a great list of everything I need to clean this spring =]

Spring cleaning pinSource: I Dream of Clean

Since Alex has come along, I have become more conscious about what is brought into our home. You should know that we aren’t really a “crunchy granola” type organic family. Sometimes I want to be like that because I think it’s pretty cool, but we are taking steps (in our own way) to save the planet (and another type of green $$).

We took on cloth diapering when Alex was about 4 months old (love it! Thanks, Ryan!), and I starting making our own laundry detergent (similar to the Duggar recipe). Although, I’m thinking of switching to Dr. Bronner’s bar soap instead of Fels-Naptha (since you aren’t supposed to breathe Fels-Naptha, plus Dr. Bronner’s smells fantastic).  I have made my own diaper cream and wipes (but don’t do the wipes anymore).  And we recently started using wool dryer balls to cut down on dryer time!  So see?  We are trying!  Plus all of these things are so much more cost effective, added bonus =]

Anywho, back to yucky cleaners… After wiping down Alex’s high hair with a Clorox wipe, I read the warning label. I wasn’t too impressed with what I read! I didn’t realize I needed to rinse the surface before it came in contact with food!!!! I had NOT been doing that. On my baby’s high chair(!!!) All of the commercials show them just wiping the counter off with the wipe. Hello. I shouldn’t have to worry about what I’m cleaning with like that. Needless to say, I stopped using that stuff on the high chair, but kept using them everywhere else (properly now) because I had about 4 tubes to use up. As all of my harsh chemical cleaners are running out, I decided to do some research on making safe cleaners at home. I found a ton of information and so many great recipes to try.

I ended up over at Young House Love (if you don’t read their blog you need to!) where they had the most extensive list I have seen of family-friendly cleaners.  I got to work with making a few cleaners.

Here are the supplies I had to work with.
1. Baking soda
2. White cleaning vinegar
3. Dr. Bronner’s lavender Castile soap
4. Dawn dish soap
5. Lemon juice
6. Tea Tree oil

products 1

Usually I see Dr. Bronner’s for around $16 at Target or Amazon, but I scored this 32 oz bottle from Kroger for $9.99! Woot! And the tea tree oil was on sale! Holler.

I loosely followed the recipes at YHL, but added essential oils and citrus here and there. I’m edgy like that.

First, I mixed up a gallon of this all purpose cleaner (then poured it into a spray bottle).
-1 gallon hot water
-2 T Castile soap (Like Dr. Bronner’s)
-1 T baking soda
-10 drops tea tree oil

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Then I made some glass cleaner
-2 cups water
-2 cups white vinegar
-5 drops tea tree oil
-squirt of lemon juice

You should really look at this list of how to clean with stuff you have around the house. It’s cray-zay.  I didn’t make anything with the Dawn, but I have used it mixed with vinegar in my shower and it worked great!

I will say, when Dr. Bronner’s says it is “Magic Soap”, that is no lie!  On the bottle it says it is an 18 in 1 soap.  How can one soap clean 18 different things, you ask?  I was baffled as well, so I went searching and found a list of, would you guess it, 18 things here.  I am amazed.  I will probably throw out all other soaps and go get every scent of this stuff (kidding, John…sort of).

Related: We got to play outside yesterday!  It was in the upper 40s which was fabulous!  Alex just loves being outside, which will make for a great summer!  Can’t wait =]

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Happy Spring!!!

Have you tried any of these family friendly cleaners?

What all-natural cleaners/items do you use in your home?



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